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Puppeteer browser

Multiple Web browser controller based on Puppeteer API, wraps puppeteer, puppeteer-fx & puppeteer-ie in one package.

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(Windows users please note)

Use as a Test runner

Create your_script.js

import PuppeteerBrowser from 'puppeteer-browser';

(async () => {

    const page = await PuppeteerBrowser.getPage(
        'path/to/start/server', 'path/to/open/page'

    console.log(await page.title());

then run one command below in your terminal

# Chrome
node your_script

# Firefox
npm set PUPPETEER_BROWSER firefox  &&  node your_script

# Internet Explorer
npm set PUPPETEER_BROWSER IE  &&  node your_script

[ Notice ] Option started with --inspect in the command-line will disable Headless mode.

Use as a developing viewer

directories.lib field of package.json or process.cwd() will be watched.

Example from WebCell DevCLI

API Document


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